v3.x a new reinvisioned version of Mujō released

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Just Breathe

What is Mujō?

Mujō is a Chrome extension that reminds you not to over work yourself and be more mindful with your time.

Take a break

It is good to take little micro breaks throughout the day. Just paying attention to your breath and being present with your current situation can make you think more in depth about the task in front of you. Mujō is a extension that will try to get you to take little micro break throughout the day.

Transition out of automatic behaviors

Mujō leverages breathing to take you from a automatic behavior to a controlled behavior. Mujō detects the times that these behavior exhibit themselves in bad ways and try to get you to focus on your breath.

Behavioral triggers

Mujō detects a common sign of frustration named rage clicks. This is a behavior many analytics platforms will use to find bad ux or broken functionality. Mujō will give you a little nudge when this happens and offer a little mindfullness.

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