More signal, less noise.

Mujō version 3.x is quite different than version 2.x, which is good. Version 2.x felt like it was just re-implementing some of the features other digital wellbeing products provided. These new features are not destructive in theory, but we're not the original hypothesis around Mujō. When implementing all these features, I lost sight of the main goal: to avoid overworking yourself. The main features that Mujō was starting to pioneer were taking a back seat to some of these new features. To the point where those features stopped working well and became unusable. v2.x to v3.x starts with a refocus on some of the original ideas.

Where we are starting

In Mujō v2.x, we had the concept of Smart Breaks. Smart breaks were an algorithmic way to predict users ultradian rhythm. The algorithm was not perfect by any means, but it came up with some exciting results, which actually started to make sense of a user's activity in their web browser. This feature was very dear to me and helped me understand my behaviors. I was able to start to orientate my day based on the output of this algorithm. One fantastic thing is that it adapted with me due to the data set that is used. Sadly this feature was more valuable to me outside of the Mujō web extension than inside. For some reason, it did not work well in the extension, and since I was building other features, I neglected this feature.

Starting in v3.x, the focus will be on this feature Smart Breaks ( now suggested breaks ), but it will get better, and some of the feature sets will build onto this algorithm rather than divert from it. There are quite a few changes that reduce the feature set, improve the privacy of Mujō, and allow Mujō not to be as invasive.

Features you will not see

  • New tab page is gone. I feel this was a blocker to users that wanted Mujō but also wanted to use another New Tab Page. This page held several features that were not core to Mujō but took lots of energy to maintain. The breath animation will still be part of the product but will only live on the website.

  • Break timers for sites are removed. This feature was a carbon copy of other products, and for now, I do not see it coming back anytime soon.

  • Rage click detection is missing. This feature is something I feel strongly should come back to the product, but with the reduction of permissions, this is impossible. I think this feature has a place in Mujō; it just does not fit in right now.

We love feedback

Mujō v3 is still new and is rough around the edges. Feedback is always welcome on your thoughts around the change or the general concept. Email or tweet at me.